Monday, June 18, 2012

Goat, crayons, and prayers

Today began much the same as saturday. We woke up and had eggs, pineapple, mango, and toast. We went to the mountain again to work on the coffee thing and met all the kids we have grown close to this week on the walk up. I bounced around from job to job starting with passing dirt bags, then placing them, then digging another plot of land to place them, then poking holes in the dirt to make planting more efficient. Tom kept the mood light his usual way, by making fun of literally everything he could. We had a great time for the few hours we worked and got over 1000 plants in the ground. We walked back to the trucks to grab a snack before we played with kids. I thought we were going to go down the hill again to the place we were before but we ended up just staying in that driveway thing. Everything started off cool, we all kind of broke off and hung out with kids. I did the bubble wand thing again  for a while and it was a lot of fun. I got in to a soccer game but stepped out so that newly arrived kids could play. That was when I started to notice how crowded it was getting. A lot of the kids were dressed the same so I guess they just came up after school. It got a little intense for a while over by the trucks where kids were coloring with crayons and such. There were a ton of kids with crayons sitting in the truck bed, on the tail gate, leaning on the tires all coloring but when one kid wanted a different color they would just grab one from someone else and a few scuffles happened that I had to step in to. More and more little kids kept showing up at the trucks to color and we were a little overwhelmed. I soon figured out that a lot of the kids were just pocketing the crayons and markers an that there was no way we could get them all back. The situation kind of got out of hand and eventually we just got what we could and left. Back at the hotel we played soccer with the guys who think I look like Messi and had a really great time. Especially Drew, he had a fantastic time. Eventually it was just myself, the two Haitian kids from before and another kid. I was so tired midway through that game that they could tell I needed to quit so we cooled off in the ocean. I really hope I get to play with them tomorrow too, it's a great time. Dinner was good, some kind of meat, cheese, eggplant concoction which looked gross but was pretty good, chicken, rice and goat. I had never had goat before but honestly it wasn't bad. It tasted kind of like beef but was a little more gamey an chewy. I liked it and would probably have it again even if I knew what it was before eating it. I should mention we all had no idea what we were eating until after the nice Belgian hotel owner asked us how it was. For dessert we had oatmeal cookies and cupcakes which were also awesome. After dinner we debriefed and Tom lead us in an hour and fifteen minute prayer session nonstop. I had never done anything like that before but it was pretty cool. We broke off in to groups of three and we would each pray for a few minutes and then switch. I was fortunate enough to have Ethan and Tara in my group. It was a really cool experience overall. Tomorrow we work in a different place "in the fields" so we will find out what that means.


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