Saturday, June 16, 2012

In full swing (shorter post than last night I promise)

Having air conditioning last night was great. I got up and took the coldest shower of my life at around 6:30 to be ready for breakfast at 7. We had some sort of pancake crepe hybrid, fresh mangos and pineapple and toast. I bought a coconut from a dude selling them outside out hotel and ate and drank that as well. Today was also Franky's birthday, he turned 38 and we gave him 38 dollars as a gift. We went back up the mountain taking in incredible views from the day before and pulled in the same driveway. I use the term driveway loosely since it was really just dirt tire tracks. We walked back up to the fields that we passed yesterday and Franky sent five of us to go get fledgling coffee plants from a different field. I elected to go with that group to shoot video and Matt stayed to get footage of the other group. We walked basically through villagers' back yards and at least one Sara McGlaughlin humane society commercial to get to the field where we picked these seedlings one by one until all were in a big tub thing and walked back to the other field. It was covered with a black mesh like the blue one from the day before to protect the seedlings from the sun and to sort of regulate the moisture. When my group got back, the other group had already started filling these little black bags with really dark dirt and arranging them in rows about 3 feet deep and 12 feet long. Then we started planting the little seedlings one per bag in the rows while the rest of the crew kept filling bags. To pass the time we played a few games that I knew from baseball like the cities game, black magic, the rocks game and a few I hadn't heard of before. We ended up filling over 3000 bags with dirt and coffee plants that will apparently produce coffee in two years and then continue producing for 38-40 more years. So essentially we weren't just helping this current generation but the next one as well. So that's a really good feeling. After we had put everything away, we started to walk back towards the cars and my same little kid who ran with me up the mountain appeared right next to me and motioned like he wanted to run so we ran down the road about 300 feet to the cars and loaded up. Unfortunately I think my boy thinks I like to run now so I will definitely be getting my cardio in for the week. We got back to the hotel and I discovered that to Haitian kids I look like Lionel Messi. A few of us attempted unsuccessfully to repair the horrendous farmers tans that we had acquired today while the others went down to the beach and played soccer with some locals. We had a little worship session on the deck and Franky told us a little more about himself. Those of us who went last year really learned how much these people rely on God to meet their needs and how thankful they are and Franky's story really shows that as well. Tomorrow we go to Franky's home church and do a couple home visits. Last year we split up to go to church so this year it is cool that we all get to go to one.


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